Moving Your Payroll In House: Maximizing Deductions

Online bookkeeping software training can simplify payroll and minimize tax liabilities. If you're looking to streamline your business accounting needs, investing a few hours in online bookkeeping training can pay huge dividends. Payroll Protocols Adopting bookkeeping software empowers businesses to take charge of payroll needs and helps develop payroll procedures for employees. Codifying Contracts: Making compensation structures clear for your employees is crucial. For instance, Quickbooks online training can show you how to create employment interfaces that outline hourly wages, salary structures, bonuses, and benefits. Read More 

Are You Considering Outsourcing Payroll Services? Here Are Three Benefits You Will Get

Managing payroll is one of the most important tasks in a business with many employees. There are many advances in technologies that have made it possible to manage company payrolls using software or web applications. However, some companies still opt to do it manually. The common complications businesses face from handling their payroll in-house include non-compliance with tax regulations and the inability to detect glitches in the system, leading to loss of money. Read More 

4 Strategies To Help You Raise Capital For Your Startup

Raising capital for a startup business is an incredibly challenging task. After all, you are asking investors to believe in something that has no proven track record or real evidence of success. However, the process is even more difficult if you do not approach it correctly.  1. Plans and Projections Prepare a solid business plan that outlines what the projected growth of the business will look like for several benchmarks, such as at years one, five, and ten. Read More 

Accounts Receivable Red Flags Not To Ignore

When it comes to revenue flow, accounts receivable is an important department within your business. As a result, if your accounts receivable department is not operating efficiently, it could spell trouble for your company. Make sure you know how to recognize when your company might be in trouble. Poor Cash Flow Have you noticed a decline in the available financial resources your business has access to? The main priority of an accounts receivable department is to ensure the business collects on any money it's due as soon as possible. Read More 

Landlords, Do You Know How To Treat These 3 Sources Of Income?

Small landlords are increasing in number throughout the country. With the advent of vacation and short-term rentals as well as the financial benefits of owning just one, two, or three rental units as a side business, the appeal is easy to see.  But new landlords can get themselves into sticky tax trouble or end up with a tax bill if they fail to understand certain specific rules that apply to the landlord profession. Read More