how your pension fund could impact your tax return

Four Ways An Accounting Company Can Help Your Small Business Thrive

If you own a small business that is not thriving financially, you may have some changes that you need to make in order to see the success you want to see. It is important to realize that determining the changes that need to be made on your own may be difficult to do. You can hire a small business accounting company to help you establish what issues your business has to ensure you can fix the problem areas as soon as possible. Read More 

Your Small Business Accounting And You: What You Need To Watch Out For

When you first start your own small business, you have a wide variety of concerns and tasks that are all competing for your attention. Of course, this trend will continue as you work on growing and expanding your small business and bringing in customers. Often, this division of your attention can lead you to focus less on your small business accounting tasks than you probably should. This can be a serious problem for your small business if you do not know what to look out for in your accounting and bookkeeping. Read More 

How To Calculate And Report The Net Investment Income Tax

A relatively new federal income tax on investment income became effective in 2013 for some tax filers. The tax is applicable to individuals with higher incomes. Some tax filers must now complete an additional tax form to report and pay the additional tax on net investment income. Investment income includes items such as interest, dividends, capital gains, and rental income. Net investment income is derived by subtracting investment expenses from investment income. Read More 

4 Reasons You Need An Accountant When Starting A Small Business

When starting a small business, you will have a lot of different choices to make. Most small business owners take on many roles themselves, from manager to accountant to marketer. This is especially true if you starting the business entirely by yourself and without the help of a franchise. It is important to get the help you need when it comes to your finances. recommends that you should find a certified public accountant to help you get your finances in order. Read More 

Common Accounting Interview Questions

Applying for any job is stressful, but when you are in the world of finance and accounting, you are interviewing for positions that will allow you to take care of huge sums of money, which can make the interview process especially taxing. Here are some commonly asked accounting interview questions and what you can do to prepare for them. 1. If you were working for a company that just received an investment of five million dollars, what would your spending and investing plan be to make the most of it? Read More